The Commission hosted a demonstration of the latest drug checking equipment by Professor Fiona Measham of The Loop UK. The advanced technology means drug dosage can be tested in field environments such as at festivals and a range of other events and venues.
Hello everyone
I hope you had a restful break and are ready for a new decade. The new year has already started at a cracking pace.
Suggesting alternative ways to improve the criminal justice system
A new consumer peak body will come to fruition in 2021. We’ll be undertaking a co-design approach to ensure the new body meets the aspirations of people with lived experience across the state.
QMHC/QAMH event: The philanthropy deficit
A vibrant and sustainable NGO sector is an essential component of our mental health system, yet the recent Future Generation survey conducted by EY found mental health charities are missing out on funding from big investors.
Our first event of the year looks at what we can do to turn this around. Register now
Bushfires and mental health
We’ve all been affected by the terrible bushfires that have burnt across the nation, devastating vast areas of bushland, farms, towns and communities. We grieve alongside those who have lost loved ones, and as a sector we have worked to ensure mental health is a focus for recovery.
National Apology anniversary
February 13 is the 12th anniversary of the National Apology to the Stolen Generations. The Apology was an opportunity for honesty and truth-telling to begin the process of national healing.
Now, well into a new century, it is important we continue the process of healing by acknowledging the ongoing impact of past injustices, and work harder to address the ongoing disadvantage experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Work on a Queensland Healing Strategy is only just beginning. We can and must give it our whole-hearted support.
Tragic loss of young people to suicide
Queensland Family and Child Commission annual data around child deaths released in January revealed a marked increase in deaths by suicide.
The figures underscore the importance of measures already under way as we work with a range of agencies to implement Every life: The Queensland Suicide Prevention Plan 2019-2029 to improve system responses to suicide and suicide prevention.
Every life is backed by significant government investment. In addition, the Queensland Government has stepped up its response by announcing a new child death review board.
These are positive initiatives, but they will take time to take root. Government alone cannot solve this issue. It is a matter for the entire community, we all have to take some ownership and responsibility to look out for each other – and for children and other vulnerable groups.
Toolkit aims to address fear and increase safety for all
A toolkit focused on reducing restrictive practices in mental health services has been published by the National Mental Health Commission and the Australian College of Mental Health Nurses.
Physical health project highlights reform opportunity
The Commission’s Physical Health project has identified reform opportunities to improve the physical health of people with a lived experience of mental illness and/or problematic AOD use.
The Queensland Family and Child Commission has released its annual child death register report, showing a concerning and tragic rise in suicide by children and young people.
The Qld Government has committed to a series of criminal justice reforms in its response to the inquiry. It has stated it will not decriminalise illicit drugs. Read the final report and the Government's response
Mental health inquiry final submission
Our final submission to the National Productivity Commission's Inquiry into Mental Health focuses on four essential elements of reform.
A new consumer representative body will ensure the voice of lived experience is heard at all levels of Queensland’s mental health system. Work on bringing the new organisation to life in 2021 has started.
The Healing Foundation is leading the co-design and development of a community-led Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Healing Strategy, funded by the Queensland Government.
For every $5 cancer charities receive, mental health charities receive just $1. We’re hosting an event to unpack the reasons mental health NGOs get left behind.
Final Stretch2Engage sector event - Wednesday 25 March
Roberto Mezzina on the Trieste community mental health model - 26 March
Pathways of disadvantage: Unpacking the intergenerational correlation in welfare
This research found the primary mechanism linking welfare receipt across Australian generations is the failure to complete high school. The results present a clear focus for policy action. >Read Pathways of disadvantage
ACOSS Demand for Community Services report
The latest Australian Council of Social Service report finds there is significant unmet demand for community services – and demand is increasing, with staff involved in housing and homelessness, financial consulting and legal services most likely to report demand pressures. >Read Demand for Community Services
Report on Government Services
The annual Report on Government Services (RoGS) provides information on the equity, effectiveness and efficiency of government services in Australia. >Get ROGs
$40 million plan for veteran suicide prevention
The Australian government has announced a $40 million plan for a new standing commission to investigate all suspected veteran and Australian Defence Force suicides and their causes. >More on the plan
$76 million Commonwealth bushfire mental health response
The funding will provide distress counselling and mental health support for individuals, families and communities affected by bushfires. >More on the package
Practical & emotional support for bushfire-affected communities
A range of practical and emotional resources available for people who wish to seek support due to the impact of bushfires from Life in Mind. >Get the resources
We offer sponsorship up to $10,000 for sector events. Next round closes 28 February 2020.